Monday, November 30, 2009

Tomorrow is my birthday!

Tomorrow is my birthday!! It's also the begining of Advent. I hope the girls enjoy their Advent calendars and the countdown to Jesus' birthday.

Suzie and I wish the Dickenson's would pick up the living room a bit.... it's kind of messy and hard to get around at night.


Christina and Suzie

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Let's Play Babies!

Christina and I found the best stuff. Tubes of paper filled with colored sugar!! YUMMY!!
We ate so many, they were so good. But boy do we have a tummy ache. Maybe we ate too many.

We found the baby dolls and are having fun dressing them and trying on their clothes. The dolls don't seem to like the colored sugar though.

Santa, I'm happy to report Alyssa and Elizabeth were so good to each other today. No fighting. Yea!!

I'm going to get back to playing.

Love, Christina and Suzie

Nothing Better Than Finding Candy and Cards!!

Last night we had so much fun spending the night at Grandma and Grandpa's!! We found lots of candy and we got to play cards!! Two of our favorite things!

We had one little problem though, we heard Alyssa and Elizabeth up and around the house a few times and we were scared we were going to get caught playing. We might not be able to do much mischief this year if they continue to get up out of bed during the night. We will have to just sleep in our sleigh all night and not get up to explore and play.

I hope tonight the girls stay in their beds so we can get up and play during the night.

Thanks Alyssa and Elizabeth for taking us to Grandma and Grandpa's to spend the night. We had soooo much fun!!
Love, Suzie and Christina

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Yea! We are visiting Grandma & Grandpa!!

Christina and I are spending the night with Alyssa and Elizabeth at Grandma & Grandpa's. I hope Grandma & Grandpa have something fun to do while everyone is sleeping. Woo Hoo!!
Well we better go explore the house and see what we can find.

Friday, November 27, 2009

I can't find the candy

Alyssa, I saw your note that you left me some candy, but I can't find the bowl. Please tell me where it is. It makes me feel good that you remembered how much I love candy!!

We Made It To The Dickenson's House!!

We have arrived at the Dickenson's house and Alyssa and Elizabeth are sound asleep in Alyssa's bed. We are so happy to be here!! Can't wait to see the girls in the morning.

I love that they have put the Christmas tree up. It's beautiful. And both of the girls room's look great! They must have worked really hard today. Well, we are going to go take a look around the house to see if they have gotten any new toys to play with.

Are You Home??

Hey Alyssa and Elizabeth - are you guys home?
We came to your house last night but you weren't sleeping in your bed. So we took our sleighs back to the North Pole, we didn't want to arrive if you weren't home sleeping in your bed. We will try on another night. We really miss you and can't wait to see you.
Love, Christina and Suzie

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Getting Ready To See Alyssa and Elizabeth!!!

We are soooo excited, we are getting our things together for our trip to visit Alyssa and Elizabeth!! I hope they have picked up their room and the family room so we have lots of space to play.

Alyssa, we saw you working on your room. It's looking pretty good. Elizabeth, thank you for picking up the doll house stuff. The only thing is, we didn't see the Christmas tree....hope it's up soon!!